Rural women and productive action for autonomy

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Gloria Miryam Mora Guerrero
María Cecilia Fernández Darraz
Jorge Troncoso Arcos


The authors analyze the participation of rural women in La Araucanía (Chile) in a program that promotes their personal and social development, and autonomy by participating in associative organizations. A qualitative design is used to explore the social perceptions of participants regarding their processes of gender
awareness and their physical, economic and political autonomy. They conclude that participation in the program is highly valued and that its main impact is linked to self-esteem and economic autonomy, even though the participants continue re-editing their traditional gender roles.


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Mora Guerrero, G. M., Fernández Darraz, M. C., & Troncoso Arcos, J. (2019). Rural women and productive action for autonomy. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 81(4).