Revista Mexicana de Sociología: Its commemorations and the experience of time

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Laura Angélica Moya López
Margarita Olvera Serrano


On the 80th anniversary of the Revista Mexicana de Sociología (RMS), the commemorative process provides an opportunity for the analysis of three key research issues: the experience of time and its significance, present in its commemorative celebrations over time; the possible consequences of discussing the origins of the publication before 1939, and lastly, how and why the RMS is one of the most important knowledge bases (in the sense that Alfred Schutz conceptualizes it) in Latin America. These items open up important issues for the history and sociology of social sciences


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Moya López, L. A., & Olvera Serrano, M. (2019). Revista Mexicana de Sociología: Its commemorations and the experience of time. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 81(4).